Code of Conduct (01/03/2024)
All those who comment, reply, and/or post to the Reader Pages or enter a Contest on diannesmithwick-braden.com are expected to follow the Code of Conduct. By accessing or using the Reader page, you approve that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the Code of Conduct.
Questions, comments, replies, and/or posts should be respectful. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Use of profanity or vulgar/explicit language is prohibited.
Political, racial, and offensive comments are not permitted.
Questions, comments, replies, and/or posts must be related to books by Dianne Smithwick-Braden.
Violation of the Code of Conduct
Individuals whose questions, comments, replies, and/or posts violate the Code of Conduct will receive one warning. The individual(s) will be banned from the Reader Pages and Contest Entries if a second incident occurs.
Right to change and modify the Code of Conduct
We reserve the right to modify this Code of Conduct from time to time at our sole discretion. Therefore, you should review this page periodically. When we change the Code of Conduct in a material manner, we will notify you that material changes have been made. Your continued use of the Reader Pages, Bookstore, and Contests after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Code. If you do not agree to any of this Code Conduct or any future version of the Code, do not use or access (or continue to access) the Reader Pages, Bookstore, and Contest pages of this website.