Dianne's Detectives
What is Dianne's Detectives?
Dianne's Detectives is a team of family, friends, and fans banding together to help promote Dianne Smithwick-Braden's books. Members of Dianne's Detectives will be asked to help spread the word about her mysteries.
What is expected of team members?
These are a few of the tasks:
· Tell your friends and family about Dianne's books
· Post reviews of Dianne's books
· Follow, comment on, and share Dianne's social media posts (links are at the bottom of this webpage).
· Suggest places/events and provide contact information for book signings in your area
How much does it cost?
It's absolutely free to join. It may occasionally take a little of your time. Anything you can do will be appreciated. Dianne will send copies of anything that needs to be distributed to you.
You'll receive a welcome gift and a personal thank you letter when you join. You may also apply to be a *beta reader or a **proofreader.
Email dianne@diannesmithwick-braden.com for more information or to join.
*Beta readers (limited to 6 members) will see the draft versions of Dianne's work before the final edits are made (a PDF will be sent to your email).In addition to the tasks above, Dianne asks that these team members:
1) Let Dianne know if you figure out who the culprit is before it's revealed
2) Tell Dianne if the story is confusing or doesn't flow well
3) Let Dianne know if any errors jump out at you (you don't have to edit the manuscript)
4) Post a review of the book within one week of the release date.
**Proofreaders (limited to six members) will get a look at the newest novels before they are released. In addition to the previous tasks, I ask the Proofreaders to:
1) Inform Dianne of any errors found by the deadline so that corrections can be made before release. (a PDF will be sent to your email, or a proof copy will be mailed to you when available)
2) Post a review of the book within one week of the release date.